(seq. 43)




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cancer; nor do such consider that I can judge
of the quantum of medicine only by the numbers
above have this under the surgeons care.

I am not certain if it be my proper business
to notice the language of the blank
returns [strike]made to[/strike] sent to us by the Superintendant of
milly [MILITARY] supplies. If it be not defective, it at
least wants uniformity. [strike]of[/strike] The French nomenclature
of medicine has been corected [CORRECTED] and extended
by the British and we ourselves have tried
to improve upon them, so that it is not entirely
fixed, yet the terms used in the blank forms
sent us [strike]for[/strike] by Mr. Cutts needs revision. He
has mentioned the thing to me and I made one out
that may be deemed more correct but [strike]was fearful[/strike] never sent it to him, whether it
might not be well for the hospital surgeon at head
quarters to supply this deficiency is not for
me to say, I can only say that I am sorry to
see this mixed language in our returns
and double so to see the very incorrect
list of medicines in the [strike]little note of[/strike] army

NB. [NOTA BENE] The meteorlogical tables were from
March to June 30th 1818, and sent at this time
together with the topographical acct [ACCOUNT] of Charlestown and [dissertation?]
on the mode of seafaring now [scene?] [SEEN?] [strike]recon[/strike] and a few words
on the effects of rum, not the whole of it -

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