(seq. 44)
August 15th 1816
Major Genl [GENERAL] Brown:
When I enquired in my recent letter whether it
would be your pleasure that I should visit the posts &
make the enquiries, and [strike][similar?] return[/strike] make report
[strike][some?][/strike] on the plan of my visit the last season, I should
have detailed my reasons for it-
General Porter says he has never paid any attention
to the medicine staff [strike]whatever[/strike], & is ignorant of their relative
duty, or relative grades. His idea is that a
Hospital is the surgeon of a [underlined]hospital[underlined], if there be no
hospital he has nothing to do. The medical directorship
of the Junior Surgeon of a Department he has
no idea of, and he says that he has never once
turned his thoughts to that subject, and therefore he
gave it as his opinion that I had better write to
you on the subject of visiting posts, among other
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