(seq. 45)
Canbridge 25 Sptr 1816]
To Lieut Col. Eustice
Command 32d Dept
As the Senior Hospital Surgeon of a Dept &
ex office the advisory officer to the Commander in
whatsoever relates to the health [deleted text] of the troops, I
take the liberty most respectfully to state a peculiar
case of a private at the Arterial in Charlestown under
[deleted text] the command of Capt Falcot[deleted text]
The man is named Wm Jones, & is a confirmed Pox
for which he has been salurated [deleted text]without removing the
dressings [deleted text]. To save his life & retain his usefulness it is
necessary that he should need so another couple of
medicine & merely ^in such a debilitated subject cannot be pushed to a great
length without great care & caution, & that too in an
hospital, and there is no room at the arsenal in
[deleted text] Charlestown [deleted text] feel to be appropriate to that purpose
The man is in the common barrack, a small room
sujbect alternately to heat & cold. His besides filled
with other men, who consider a man in the con
dition of Jones a nuisance & will probably treat
him as such accordingly. frm these two cases par
ticularly the first, I give it in my opinion that
he ought to be [deleted text] removed [deleted text] some suitable place pro-
vided for him close where, [deleted text] for Capt Fuleal appeases
me that there is no room for him here as the room where he sas is [deleted text]
It will be full a year before
the room for a hospital annexed to the new arsenal will be
fit to receive a patient. In the meant time, I presume that
such peculiar cases as the one described^ & cases will be [unclear]
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