(seq. 51)



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Cambridge near Boston March 12, 1817
In answer to your letter of the 29th with to respecting
an advance of Drs [Wo] made to me in January 1810
by Lieut. Osgood, there is I apprehend an inaccuracy
I [never] any thing from here during any [past]
the year 1810. [Whenever] that must refer to a period
anterior to this date. - for
In [bet] 1815. I [read?] the following order from
Maj. Gen. Ripley [?]
Milty- Dept. No 2.
Brigade Inspector office [H.?Q. NY]
[Castle ?hard] Octr. 24th 1815-
General Order.
(crossout) [?] Benjamin Water[honfe]
Hospital Surgeon Director will immediately visit all
the Hospitals at the several ports in this Department
which he will vigilently inspect, & report the state
thereof to this office without delay. (crossout) Hence
will counsel he can [?] such hospital stores as
he may deem (crossed out: unfit for the sick, and such new)
supplies as (crossed out: he furnished as the case may require)
together with such [? investments] as he
shall deem actually necefary - I -
By Order of Major General Ripley
[Junes G.B. Romayne]
Bryde. Inspector
ordered Lieut. Osgood the Brigade
J. M. [Ogrive] (cross out) a Treasury note of 100 dollars.

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