(seq. 52)




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Which on being charged into the current money of
[Srgt.] [Modwed] only 87 dollars - The J. notes
being there are 13 per cart Discount. I [wuthearted]
my visit to the ports in all Nov. (crossed out)
(crossed out) & spent twice the 87 dollars- (crossed out)
beforementioned, but as I travelled from Head Qtr. in my own carriage
& made several [?] in the performance of
the duty thieves made any [additoral] change for
travel. [?] an [?] report of everything.
When Commanding General who [?] with
an [emphasis] of [?], & I [?]
had them done every thing required. Had at the time
known that was accountable to any person or
office beyond this Dept. I would not have neglected
it to this moment.
William Lee [?] B W[?]
Auditor in [?] Dept. & Director.
2nd Auditing office

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