Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846. Letter book of Benjamin Waterhouse, 1790-1834 (inclusive). H MS b16.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Letter book containing fragments of correspondence and essays written by Benjamin Waterhouse (1754-1846) between 1790 and the mid 1830s. The correspondence was mainly addressed to United States Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin concerning Waterhouse's position as superintendent of the United States Marine Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, in the early 1800s. There is also correspondence to the Massachusetts Medical Society, and to United States Secretary of State John Adams regarding the death penalty, and a transcribed essay on the court of judicature in Pennsylvania by Benjamin Franklin. Additionally, several contemporary news clippings on the Harvard professorship of Natural History are pasted in.


(seq. 51)
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(seq. 51)

Cambridge near Boston March 12, 1817 Sir In answer to your letter of the 29th with to respecting an advance of Drs [Wo] made to me in January 1810 by Lieut. Osgood, there is I apprehend an inaccuracy I [never] any thing from here during any [past] the year 1810. [Whenever] that must refer to a period anterior to this date. - for In [bet] 1815. I [read?] the following order from Maj. Gen. Ripley [?] Milty- Dept. No 2. Brigade Inspector office [H.?Q. NY] [Castle ?hard] Octr. 24th 1815General Order. (crossout) [?] Benjamin Water[honfe] Hospital Surgeon Director will immediately visit all the Hospitals at the several ports in this Department which he will vigilently inspect, & report the state thereof to this office without delay. (crossout) Hence will counsel he can [?] such hospital stores as he may deem (crossed out: unfit for the sick, and such new) supplies as (crossed out: he furnished as the case may require) together with such [? investments] as he shall deem actually necefary - I - By Order of Major General Ripley [Junes G.B. Romayne] Bryde. Inspector ordered Lieut. Osgood the Brigade J. M. [Ogrive] (cross out) a Treasury note of 100 dollars.

Last edit 3 months ago by CAlderman
(seq. 52)
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(seq. 52)

Which on being charged into the current money of [Srgt.] [Modwed] only 87 dollars - The J. notes being there are 13 per cart Discount. I [wuthearted] my visit to the ports in all Nov. (crossed out) (crossed out) & spent twice the 87 dollars- (crossed out) beforementioned, but as I travelled from Head Qtr. in my own carriage & made several [?] in the performance of the duty thieves made any [additoral] change for travel. [?] an [?] report of everything. When Commanding General who [?] with an [emphasis] of [?], & I [?] had them done every thing required. Had at the time known that was accountable to any person or office beyond this Dept. I would not have neglected it to this moment. William Lee [?] B W[?] Auditor in [?] Dept. & Director. 2nd Auditing office Washingtom

Last edit 3 months ago by CAlderman
(seq. 53)
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(seq. 55)

[illegible] 10/17 Dear, [illegible] the 21st of July your day, when of peaking July intended visit of the month that you shall expect a report there of by the later end of Oct. _ [illegible] they will say, that the Geusue [illegible] the visit is the [illegible] month. We have just returned from Caltine. Of course I have been accumed by conrolably the quartrly returns father Geusue. In a few days I shall set down to the make the report you speak of - on my return home I found that [S Journey Maan] who resided in Merta an [illegible] had reviewed an order from Geusue Brown to [ufmme] the [illegible] then of they department which appeared to me [illegible] order if he were ordered to make Boston or [illegible] [illegible] his renderce, he being very deury had there way one part of the orders which [bussled] Gaue. [illegible] of myself to [aecaurt] for [illegible] that the Dejuty L-M-Gaue should setlle DM's accounts for guarter from the date of the community the [illegible] of the duties of Horitae Purian in they sent into the date of they orders

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Last edit 12 months ago by trista_freeman
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