(seq. 56)
How to explain they you me and myself are equally important. In the month of May on reviewing the [illegible] news of the death of my Lord J. L.W. I was sensed unable to attend very puntieularly to any they out of my home. I therefore required my Lord LDM to visit the funeral now that Charleston, [illegible] [illegible] or should be brought when houfe for that purpose. In July I was ordered to attend the Prat of the K. Slates in his town through they dept when I opended asked the favor of D.M. to do my duty till my return. On the 2nd of the nearest month I [illegible] and Cole [illegible] to must Cestine and the untrust ports and then hurdle after to D Mann requenty his friendly attention to my duties in my journey when he chefilly complied with.
When on the ground and visiting the little [illegible] [illegible]. I had more than once saud to D.M. that I would not trouble him then to call at that place especially on we had no luch with [illegible] men of an male unsure cafe Huse. Why have been that he wanted to make an exact of the munate of lied on that patient I watch it [illegible], and he woned he plad if momed in duty him in it. I did do - and coneiced I was [illegible] him. He lay conttaully tued me than he expected to be called to the duty every day and then he has repeated to my friend Guase Dean from I am there for purrled of D.M. if they can
(seq. 57)
Colonial North America: Countway Library of MedicineWaterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846. Letter book of Benjamin Waterhouse, 1790-1834 (inclusive). H MS b16.1, Countway Library of Medicine. (seq. 57)
(seq. 58)
on, with meat & drink sufficient enough to keep soul & body together. But I found I must work like Jeremiah in the scriptures, with the trowel in one hand, & the sword in another. I have no obection to your showing this letter to Genl Brown & come with high respect
Yours B.W
By the 2d of Novr, I shall send my report of visitation
Camb Nov 4th - 1817
Brigadier Genl Muller
Sir, I have just returned from visiting the posts at Newport harbour & New London, and as soon as I recover from the effects of riding all day, in a chaise,in a severe storm of rain, I shall proceed to make heed hastily to the posts in Burton habour.
I cannot but be grieved & hurt at seeing paragraphs in the newspapers, in form of question & responses (but universally [deleted]written[deleted] believed to be written by the same hand) tending to make an impression not altogether pleading to me & my friends, especially I perceive, to my sons. I enclose two of them and am with an much deserved guess it was B.W USA