(seq. 16)
Cambridge April 10th. 1809.
Dr. Waterhouse
About a year ago* Dr. Geo. Bates of Boston, in conversaton with me, insinuated that measures were about to be taken for your removal from the M. Hospital. He intimated that he had been requested to make a statement of the true situation of the hospital at that time, for the pur-pose, as I understand it, of sending the sane to Wash-ington, ot to whom it concerned, at the seat of government. He said that others had made use of his representations fo the same purpose; and that he was known as concerned in the business at Washington. Affecting to talk wisely, he ventured to predict, that you would be removed not many years hence. This, Sir, is the substance of his con-versation; ot at least the impression it made upon my friend; for he spoke not in plain lan-guage, but in hints. This information I submit for your use, if it can be of any service to you; but with this reserve, that it is not for publication
Yours &c.
William T. Torrey - a young minister or candidate for the ministry
*a year before any of these charges were brought against me
(seq. 18)
Yesterday I have to Genl. Dearborn my defence, or [amnus?] to the charges against me. He advised me to write likewise to you & to send you whatever documents I thought proper. In this letter I shall speak to touch a matter which has is not strictly speaking comprehended in any of the charges, but which I do not wish to avoid, for as I hope for candor from others, they have a right to expect it from me. It is this - It had been early infused into my mind have [allegian?] believed that the [purpose?] of our marine hospitals had a [part of autonomy?] [retain?] or privelege in the articles of bread & beef. Beside the practice of British hospitals, several circumstances con-vened to confirm me in the full belief of this representaton Idea. I had not believed that this practice was sanctioned by custom for who [have my doubts and they head would have?] I should hardly risked my place & my reputation for so very trifling consideraton, for both the articles of bread & beef received during 17 months scarcely amount to 90 dollars. Gen D. & I agreed to estimate it at 15 or 20 pounds of beef per week but this is for our rating it; for there never was anything like a regular supply. The butcher sent wh generally what he pleased & when he pleased without any direction or orders, just as his cart happened to pass through Cambridge & as it happened to come into his mind. I sent sometimes once a fortnight, once in three weeks, & sometimes at still longer intervals. Had I not been led to believe that this had been practiced before many times I should have taken pains to conceal it. I had doubt respecting the custom of bread & therefore I never allowed it after the first quarter, & but [few wanted an this transaction may give a color to all the rest of may be pressed to my disadvantage?]
(seq. 19)
Respecting the board of house pupils, the certificates will clearly show that I [have seen that 40?] matter clearly It there appears that one pupil left with the amount of his board for abt. 3 months, to be hereafter accounted for; and it appears from the certificates that neither myself nor the Steward ever have, or we proposed reaping every advantage from the board of pupils, and that this & some other matters were to be left to a future day when I expected I lay before my [illegible] certain rules & regulations for their approbation. It may be asked of what time, or period did you contemplate the arrengement of there & other [of your?] unsettled matters? -pointment of a new Collector. I am The lethargic state of [illegible] monthly part gave me daily reason to expect a change. I therefor looked forward to the period
(seq. 20)
Allest Gallaln - May 27th I am both [incumber] you with additional, do currently, that I am apprehensive that have not yet made myself clearly understood on the [tulyit] of the [sandest] the change for the reputable I Profeed. ---- shile I was attending I my reduced [al] concerns, I allowed the [Sheward] to go in with the culture of the ground way [wittary but grafs], the long to him, and they're [fened] that. whatever he could make it produce would be by; he paying all to [efperson] of culture. But it was not my idea. Made his unformly been that the U.S. Should pay the culture and the produce haved be theirs. a shall position [shay ural cut a the horphitae] ground [butgear I observed of L] that had a [bam] been built which had they [pethonel] for, they hay [wored be hurt cut and then Larkhain what haved be] one, he [rephed put] it in your own barn. I [ridro,] the [suantly cran] to thinking that it would not Love [faced in the blanket] for 10 dollars. not it in [lufficiant to] make it appearance that I did not speak correctly [shem raid ]in my letters is you, that [Shad] neither lot [porhouinor in tent] in the garden. [Hin diff.] For me [ephlaium] the principle of [arthers] [hamp conduct]; and the accountable for it to try and how [dytcuelit in b convey precise idea in la chemy ] [artfluishettins], and yet [huwale] of they are, they