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Letter from the apothecary General, dated
Boston 6th Sept. 1814
Dear Doctor,
All requisitions handed you to be countersigned must bare the name of the Surgeon or mate so requiring; & that of the Commanding office of the Regt. Post - Battallion, or Station; and in this requisition a specific statement for what Reg. [&c &c] such supplies are wanted, and for what probable period of time. [e.g militia may be called out for 1,2, or 3 months]
I will thank you to give such direction for the medical gentleman of the army, & militia doing duty, within the military district wherein you act as "Medical Director" You will also please to instruct them to make their seperate requisition for their supplies: The first will comprize Medicine, Surgical Instuments, Furniture, & Hospital furniture & Stationary.
The record will comprise Hospital Stores, such as [??], muslin, filament, for bandages & other medical & surgical purposes, Bed socks, Blankets, Sheets, pillow cases & [mugs].
To these seperate & distinct requisitions, you will address the post to Dr. Paul Spear [Junr] Druggist Boston.
The Second to Messrs Thomas & Greenleaf Merch Boston; & the third Amaza Stetson, Dept. Com. Gel Boston. I shall instruct these gentelmen sevrally to comply with your requisition, so countersigned by you, or on the requisition of yourself countersigned by the commanding officer of the district.
I wish you to use to utmost economy in the supply of all the articles conscripted in the above provision, but particularly in that of [?]
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Surgical instruments. Packet Instruments or a sufficient, & then must be delivered over to you, before the person so requiring them can be discharged. In this you will apply to the Commanding Officer of the District, & give your directions accordingly.
Whenever militia are in charge of an important post, or an exposed station, captial Instruments will then be sent them to that post or station, & not attached to any particular body of militia, but to that post or station.
I would thank you to state to me quarterly what Ports & Station are supplied by your requisitions, & to whom such supplies have been delivered, the particular articles of supply will not be necessary.
Most respectfully &c
Dr Ben Waterhouse U.S Hospl Surgeon 1st Mily District Boston M.S
Franci, Le'Baron U.S. Apothy Genl
Recapitulation Paul Spear Supplies Medicine, surgical Instruments - Furniture, Hospl furniture & Stationary. Thomas & Greenleaf Merchants -Hospital Stores such as Wine, Brandy, Sugar, Spices &c Amaza Stetson -Muslin flannel -bed sacks, blankets, sheets, Pillow cases & mugs. N.B Every requistion for my own hospital to be counter signed by the General; all others by myself
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September 7th Supplied Medicien & Hospital Stores to Dr Goodhae Fort Constitution PortsmouthDr Eaton for Salem and Marblehead 8th Dr Dale for Fort Defiance [Gluearts]. Dr Thomas for Portland 12th Dr Freeman Perry Fair Haven For the Hospital at Charleston Hospital Stores - & Instruments & Sheets & Blanketts, cotton &c
(seq. 35)
To Dr Elliott Boston Sept 5th 1814 Sargetnt of 40th Regt of Infantry
I am the opinion of the Commanding General, as well as my own of my opinion that the good of the Service will require that you repair without loss of time to Fort Warren ^and take charge of the health of the troops stationed there, and that your mate Mr Jud [San??] should attend near the troops at the General Rendezvous in West Boston.
Whatever instruments you may need will be immediately provided [inelligible] Yours very respectfully, R Waterhouse[?] Director & J Mores H West
Cambridge Sept 24 1814
Sir, Having occasion to [constabile] a Medical board for the examination of some candidates for mateships who have never received Diploma, I write this to ask you to appoint some field officer to sit as President agreeably to the usage of our service as mentioned in the letter of the Physician General which we have seen. I propose to have Dr Sargent & D Elliot as members of it if aggreable to you, & to meet on Thursday the 29th Inst. yesterday