(seq. 1)
A Map of the proposed Roads and Canals in Pensylvania. 1770.
A Scale of Miles. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
MARYLAND; Boundary Line; Boundary between Maryland and the Lower Counties; CHESAPEAK BAY; Head of Chester River; Sassafrax River; Elke River; Broad Creek; Long Creek; Patapsto River; Baltimore Town; Gunpowder River; Joppa; Bush River; Bush Town; Swan Creek; Deer Creek; Bald Fryars Falls; Concwingo; Octorara Creek; Muddy Creek; Peach Bottom; Peters Creek; Nelson's Ferry; Pecquea Creek; Conestogo Creek; Lancaster; Susquehannah River; Wrights Ferry; Chickisalungo Creek; Codorus Creek; York; Conewago Creek; Conewago Creek; [ Swataro Creek; Yellow Breeches Creek; Conidogwinit Creek; Harris's Ferry; Funiata River; proposed Road from Harris's Ferry to Reading 47 miles; les.; Tulpihockon Creek; Reading; Schuylkill River; PHILADELPHIA; Proposed Road from Susquehannah River to Philadelphia 59 miles; Chester; Marcus Hook; Brandy wine Creek; NEW CASTLE COUNTY; Willmington; Christiana Creek; Christiana Bridge; Proposed Road to Christiania 32 miles; Newport; Newcastle; DELAWARE RIVER; Red Lion Creek; St Georges Creek; Drawyers Creek; Appoquinimy Creek; Blackbird Creek; Duck Creek; Duck Creek Town; Cross Roads; Kent County;
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