(seq. 9)



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The red pricked lines show the route of the army of the United States under the Command of General Wayne during the Campaign of 1794; Encampments.; h Indian Villages; The red squares denote the cessions of Territory, without beyond the Indian boundary, made by the Treaty of 1795.

The army consisted of a Legion of regular troops & a detachment of Kentucky Militia. in all about 3000.

Branch of the Wabash River; Fort Wayne 1794; Portage 8 miles; Miami Village; St Joseph's River; Grand Glaize River; Fort Defiance 1794; Bean Creek; Little Turtle Indian Village; Blue jacket Indian Village; River Miami of the Lake; Rapids of the Miami River; Roche de bout; Turkey foot Creek; McKee's Store; British fort; Battle between the Army of the United States under General Wayne & the Indians August 20, 1794.; Swan creek; Indian encampment before & after the action of August 20, 1794.; Cedar Island; Lake Erie

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