(seq. 1)
North Pole; 90; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; North Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; South Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; South Pole; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; Baffins Bay; Green Land; Shagatskoi; Pt of Si; [beri?];Berrin; Island discoverit in 1741; C. Chlotsokayo; Artic Circle; N. Wales; Hudsons Bay; CANADA; N. Britain; Hudsons St.; Davis St.; Newfoundland; C. Farewell; N. Scotland; N. England; N. York; BRITISH EMPIRE; Azores; WESTERN OCEAN or ATLANTIC OCEAN; Cape Verde Is; Trinidad; Barbada; Martinico; Antigua; Porto Rico; Hispaniola; Cuba; Bermuda; Georgia; Carolina; Virginia; Maryland; Gulf of Mexico; FLORIDA; MEXICO or NEW SPAIN; Mississippi R; California; C Mendocin; THE PACIFIC OCEAN; Pajara; St. Maria; Tropic of Cancer; Land seen by Mendanna; San Fransisco; Ecliptic or Zodiac; Kasbobas; Piscadores; St. Bartholemew; Gasper; Limira; Volcana; Rica de Plata; Barbados; La Mesa; Equinoctial Line; 200; 190; 180; 170; 160; 150; 140; 130; 120; 110; 90; 80; 70; 60; 50; 40; 30; 20; 10; 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; 100; 110; 120; 130; 140; 150; 160; C. Corientes; Roca Partida; Gallego I.; Gallapagos Is; Jamaica; Tierra Firma; Guiana; C. North; Taumago I.; Hope I.; St. Cruz; Solomons I.; Rotterdam I.; Tropic of Capricorn; Fly I.; St. Bernard; Dog I.; Lands seen by Quiras; Mendaxa; C. Blanco; Trepied I.; Davis's Land; I. Fernandez; N. Zeland; Chiloe I; Str. of Magellan; desc. by Drake; C. Horn; T. del Fuego; Faulkland I.; Megalhanie; Chili; R. de la Plata; PARAGUAY; SOUTH AMERICA; AMAZONS.; PERU; R. Amazons; BRAZIL.; C. Frio; Trinadad; C. St. Augustin; [ C. St. Rogue; Naranna; Fernanda; C. North; Antartic Circle;
Greenland; Spitsburg; FEY SEA or NORTHN OCEAN.; Nova Zembla; Iceland; Ireland; Britain; Denmark; Norway; Sweeden; Russia; EUROPE; RUSSIAN EMPIRE; Siberia; Portugal; Spain; Canaries; Madera; Marrocco; Algeria; BARBARY; Trypoli; SARRAH or the DESART; Egypt; Mediterranean Sea; Tunis; Italy; France; Germany; Turkey; Black Sea; Tartary; Hungary; Poland; Baltic Sea; Caspian; Obi; Irlith; WESTERN TARTARY; Aral L.; EASTERN TARTARY; Bokharia; Sagalian or Amur; Lena R; Sea of Kamchatc; Kamchaka; Jesso; Japan; Sea of Korea; Korea; Whang; CHINA; Kyang; Tibet; Moguls Empire; ASIA; Persia; Teappue; Ganges; Malabar; Cormandeel; Bay of Bengal; Ceylon; Borneo; Sumatra; Java; Malaysia; Avalon; Pega; Siam; Cochin; Manila; [ Cades I.; Samar; Philippines Is.; Formosa; Haynan; Socatra; C. Guardafu; Maldives; Arabian Gulf; Arabia; Syria; Euphrates; Nubia; NEGROLAND; Gambia; Senega; AFRICA; Guinea; Benin; Mokoko; Congo; S. Thom.; Malthen; Ascension; St. Helena; Poros; Nile R.; Abassinia; Ajan; Monemugi; Zanoucba; Monemotapa; Benghala; Congo; Hottentots; Madagascar; Bourbon; Romeiros; Amsterdam; Nack legast; Marseveen; Cape of Good Hope; Tristan da Cunha; Terra Australe; Meridian of London; Cape Circumsion discoverd in 1739; Puloorera; Marian Isles; Guan; New Philippines; N. Britain; Carpentaria; Spirito Sancto; Coros; New Holland; Van Demens Land
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