(seq. 2)




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{which} ws extremely agreeable to me.
I found Miss Nancy well & very
sociable & friendly. I soon found from
Mr Cary {that} it ws as I expected; {that}
my settlement {would} make {confusion}.
I had {this} however for my comfort {that}
my most inveterate opposers threw
out {nothing} injurious to my character.

June 12. Wednesday.
Dined at Mr Harrod's {with} Capts Mansis
& Barnard. Found Capt Barnard
ws publishd to Phebe Harrod. I visi-
ted both among friends & opposers.
Found it ws expected but by few
{that} I shd tarry. The latter end of
{the} week I drew up a negative an-
swer & shewed to Mr Adams
{who} approved of it well. He said he
ws sorry w must part; affraid ya
wd never be better united, but as a
friend to me he cd not urge my
settlement. I ws much pleased {with}
my lodgings & spent much of my
time very agreeably {with} Miss Nancy.

June 15. Saturday.
Dined at Deac Ayer's {with} Mr Mash
of Withersfield & his lady. He
agreed to preach for me half {the}

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