(seq. 6)
Mr Osgood, my principall opposer
called after me, said he shd have
been glad to have waited upon me.
Understood I had called upon him,
& shd be glad I cd call whenever
opportunity offered. We dined at
Wyman's (Woburn) {with} Jones {who} was
{preaching} there, & Osgood of Mistick.
I ws in very good spirits, seemd
to be pleased {with} my {dismission} from
Haverhill. That happy for me, &
not inconsistent {with} honor. All
seemd to allow yt yo wr better unit-
ed in me than heretofore, & yt I
came away {with} reputation. ---------------
We met Dr Barnard & Mr Poor
at Wyman's. They had just come
out of {the} hospital at No. 5. Had
{the} small pox pretty favorably. ---
Got into Boston about 4. Took a
letter at Mr Lathrop's {who} disired
me to inform at Providence {the} be-
ginning of July where I shd be if
at leisure. Lodged {with} Prince
after {spending} some time at Polly B.'s.
June 25. Tuesday.
Up Dr Cutler's steeple & viewed a
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