(seq. 22)




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We dined at Mr [Breeker's?]__found him
[?], but rather gloomy & [?]
[?] [the?] times. Spent [the?] evening
at Mrs Dwight's in company with
Mr [Buckminster?], his [fifties?] [?]. Mr
[Buckminster?] said he had [?]
Hartford [?] time__ that he
understand Lebanon had applied to me
to preach there upon probabtion__
We slept at Mr [Breeker's?] where we
chatted upon various matter [till?]
late. When retired to [bed?] Mr
Merricks, a young preacher [?] [?]
[?], showed us a picture of Mr Dorr
[?] [first?] husband of Mrs [Breeker?]; and
added, that Mr [Breeker?] once merrily
told Mr Dorr in the presence of his
wife, that he should not be married
till he was dead & [?] have his
wife; which really happened.
Dined at Mrs Dwight's__ called upon
Dr Williams [(4 miles)?] whom we found
hospitable & sociable. Spoke of his
sister who was taken by the Indians
at Deerfield about 70 years ago, &

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