(seq. 26)




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We rode upon a river bank for
three miles, all which w most [?]
inter[?]. We were agreeably
entertained by several families.
Heard a letter from Mr. Ofmer a member
of Congress, which mentioned that
French fleet which faild [?] {bring?}
& had, for a little while, blocked up New York,
but then lay before Newport, opened
their orders at Sea, May 29, after which time they were to commit
hostilities against ‘ English.
We lodged at Mr Hungtingdon’s and found
a sociable, pleasant evening.—
We returned to Wethersfield before dinner.
Heard that {General} Lee’s trial was closed
& refull sent to Congress. That
{General} Washington, army wr at Whiteplain,
about 16,000 men. — Dined
at Col. Betin’s & wr very hospitably
entertained— drank at Mr Michael’s
who appeard sensible[?]. We found Mr
Nash directly [?], happily married

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