(seq. 30)
an officer, but contrary to [n?] inclination
& attempt of a soldier, when
, town wr burned. We [?i?ed]
, college which appeared filthy
& abused by , soldiers. Left Providence
about 6 o'clock & slept at
Mr Weld's.
Sunday. Aug. 9. 1778.
A Mr Noble, who wr driven from
his [?] at, [Eastwand?], was to [?]
Mr Weld, Mr Gannett & I rode
over to Wrentham. I left him
at Mr Bean's to [preach?] for him,
& went to my father's. Found all
well. Heard Mr Gannett all day,
and [stayed?] at [Sacrament?], for, [first?]
opportunity at any place for about
a year. Between meetings we
had a beautiful flower; before which
, earth wr [excep?] [dry?] & [?]
every kind of [?] destroyed.
We wre told that more South;
near Taunton, [?] corn ws entirely
cut off, & that for a [?] of 30
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