(seq. 45)
Thursday Sept[ember] 10, 1778
Heard Dr. Mather preach & lecture; after
which he mentioned that public prayers
were to be offered up at [the?] New North
for Dr. Eliot, whose life was almost despaired
of. A large number of French
officers collected round [the?] old Brick
during [the?] lecture, even to [the?] interception
of [the?] service, but soon drove off to
Cambridge. Called at Dr. Eliot,
found [the?] family in [the?] [?] [distress?];
having no hopes of his recovery.
Attended public prayers at 3 o'clock,
where Dr. Cooper preached a sermon;
Mr. Lathrop made [the?] first & Mr. Wight
[the?] last prayer. The whole assembly
which was very large appeared very
much affected.
We had a meeting to settle some college
accounts , etc. at [?] we heard [?] Dr. Eliot
was dead; we considered it as a very [?]
loss to [the?] college & were [?] mourn
[?] for him, but with joy heard [the?]
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