(seq. 46)
report contradicted before noon.
Read Montesquieu's Spirit of laws in
original French. Found it exceedingly
profitable & very entertaining.
The dysentery had not quite left
me by which I was necessitated to
take some more glycerin.
Sunday. Sept. 13
Preached at Newtown New. Dined at
Col. Fuller's who, I found, had been
in [Capt?] of present war. Drank Coffee
with Dr. Parker, who appeared sociable,
friendly and judicious, but rather dejected
on account of our present public
prospects, altho' he acknowledged
[yon?] to be more fair and promising
than he could reasonably have expected.
This is not uncommon only, tho' perhaps
unreasonably [the?] case with many.
Called at Mr. [?] whom I found
in appearance near his end: [friendly?]
& almost [?]. Heard in the evening
that Dr. Eliot died in the morning.
This good of this great man left
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