(seq. 48)
Dr Gordon prayed with [the?] family, Dr
Langdon with [the?] men at [the?] New North
& Dr Mather with [the?] women at his
own meeting. The congregation &
[?] preceded, corps: it was followed
by [the?] family, relations, women, [overseers?],
corporation & government of [the?] college, clergy,
officers, gentlemen, carriages. It is
[said?] [yet?] [his?] procession consisted of 600 [couple?]
beside about 30 carriages & yet
it extended about half a mile.
He was laid in a tomb upon Cops
hill, which he had purchased not
long before. My intimacy in [the?] family
let me to feel [the?] loss to them,
as well as to [the?] college & [the?] public.
I spent [the?] evening at [Mr?] Townsend
with Mr. Prince [etc.] I slept with Mr
Newcomb. Had a late chat upon
[?] matters, & upon life & [the?] world.
Paid my respects to [the?] Dr's family: found
them mournful, but very well [comforted?],
considering [the?] tenderness of their affection
& [the?] greatness of their loss. I introduced
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