(seq. 52)



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We were frequently visited by the French
officers of the navy; but their general
appearance was no ways engaging,
nor their [mien?] & address so soft and
courtly as I expected from that
class of men.

Read Montesquieu; found him more entertaining
& more instructive. He lays
down many excellent rules for the
government of mankind; points out
the foundation of them and frequently
illustrates them by examples from
history both ancient and modern. Indeed
he is considered, & perhaps deservedly, as the
legislator of nations.


Heard Mr. Gordon preach a sermon
upon mortality; in consequence of Dr. Eliot's
death. Dined at Deacon Jeffers. Found
Mr. [Echalis] had a call at the old South;
who have always attended in the stone
chapel find this meeting was turned
into a riding school by the British troops.

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