(seq. 53)



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Called at Mrs. Eliot's --- the family [was?] very
gloomy --- She feelingly defined her [son?]
at College might be taken good care
of and critically [?] as he had
lost his parent, friend & guide -----
I returned to college at 5 o'clock, that I might
not leave, the [chapel?] vacant. The evening
Dr. Eliot was buried, upon the absence of
all the [government?], Chandler, a {Senator?}, prayed
in the Chapel. It is said he performed
well and that all was conducted with
propriety; but I did not [hope?] to leave
the matter in such an uncertain [situ-?]
[ation?] again.
[?] some French authors and was
desirous of learning [?] pronounciations; but
[was] [amidst] [?] multitude I could get no good
Affairs of college go on very quietly and
[?] general disposition of the students pacific
and studious.
Sunday. Sept.27
Preached at Medford all day upon an ex-
change with Mr. Osgood. After meeting

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