Harvard University. Corporation. Corporation papers, 1st series, supplements to the Harvard College Papers, Volumes 1 and 2, 1636-1846. Extract from Madam Saltonstall's will, 1729/30 March 11. UAI 5.110, Volume 1, Item 48; Box 1, Folder 41, Harvard

Clause from Mary Saltonstall's will, dated March 11, 1729/30. Her gift supported two indigent students at Harvard.


(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)


Extract from Madam Saltonstall's Will

Item. I give to the Colledge Harvard one thousand pounds the Income whereof to be improved for the assistance of two persons who shall by the Overseers be esteemed of bright [parts?] of good diligence (always a Dissenter) to fitt them for the Service of the Church of Christ, and who hath not means of his own Always provided that if anyone related to me by Consanguinity be such a one as is above described, be preferred.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Cary Saunders
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

[top line cut off] respecting her [?] Legacy.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Cary Saunders
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