(seq. 119)
[Aug. 30, 1781]. 86
The Committee appointed by the Rev{erend} and
Hon{orable} Corportation to adjust the cost of Com-
mons for the first Quarter, ending August 30th
1781, have attended that service and beg leave to report-
That the Steward had on hadn the 18th of May last
the following articles, which are charged at the prices they
then bore reduced to silve, by a divions by 75---viz
G qu lb
2..3..14 of Wheat Flour ---4..12..0
0..1..0 of Rye Flour --------0..5..4
138 Loaves of Bread -------2..15..3
180 lb of Pork ---------------10..16..0
37 Barrels of Cyder --------19..14..0
30 Bushels of Potatoes --- 3..12..0
G qu lb
9..0..14 of Sugar ------------ 34..1..4
4 lb of Pepper ----------------1..8..10
2 Bushels of fine Salt ------ 0..17..1
1/4 Do of Rock Do ---------- 0..3..8
6 lb of Butter ----------------- 0..9..7
13g of Chocolate ------------ 0.14..4
35 of Candles ----------------- 2..2..0
37 lb of Coffee ---------------- 1..15..6
5 1/2 of Tea -------------------- 3..10..5
1 1/2 Loads of Wood ------- 1..2..6
2 lbs of Guinea Pepper ---- 0..6..5
Sugar to be accounted for by the Steward -- 1..4..7
That the Steward has purchased provisions
from the 18th of May to the 30th of August inclu
sive ------------------------------------------------------------------ 408..15.11
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