(seq. 15)




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19 November 1798

Monday 19
Nothing of conseqence occurred. In the
evening I attended [as?] [?], [as?] a member
of our class, to consult concerning a masquer-
ade. It was determined to meet next thurs-
day night at the schoolroom. I am doubtful
whether I shall join it.
Thanksgiving is nigh, to [?] that
[At?] were [nyher?]. Nine O'clock

Tuesday 20
Been before their [infernal?] [?], who
very much wished to make me a [?]
by giving information concerning that which
I [nearly?] [?] had no knowledge. They [?]
me to inform them who it was that [?]
[?] last night at prayers; how they
fell [?] [shout?] of their aim.
A very [?] [?] [?] indeed. [?] [?] with
[?] on Saturday [evening?], rain Sunday and part
of Monday, when again it [?] to [?] [?] still [?],
To day, [?] [?] [?].
Eleven O"clock


21 November 1798

Wednesday 21
The [storm?] continued of [snow?] and rain [?] [?] O"
clock this evenin afternoon. Nearly eleven.

Thursday 22
Nothing of any importance.
I [?] A party of our class had a masquerade.
Their appearance [?] all [?] and [?]
all comparison. Fifteen minutes of eleven.

Fryday 23
Northing of consequence. [?] Our coffee club met
at [Pelshurry's?] room. After coffee we passed a very a-
greeable evening, in conversation [?] of [?] [?]

{Saturday} 24
In the afternoon I went to Boston, [?] a letter
for [?] to the post office, and also one for myself
to [?]. But what [?] this [?] much
more pleasing than any I have hitherto experienced, was
that I received a letter from my [?].
This evening the hasty pudding club met at [?]-
[?] room, where after [?] the pot [?] [ontime?]
we [?] to enjoy ourselves as we pleased. As [?]
was [chosen?] [to?] deliver a poem on washington's [?] night
and Willes an oration

{Sunday} 24
[?] for thanksgiving. [?] to go home
to [?] with little [and?] Adams [?] [?] my name
out of the [?]. Eleven o'clock

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