Mann, Elias, 1778-1807. Diary of Elias Mann, 1796-1800. HUD 800.5, Harvard University Archives.


Elias Mann kept this diary during his undergraduate years at Harvard College. The diary begins August 17, 1796 and ends in August of 1800 and also includes several undated sheets filled with excerpts of poems. The daily entries describe many aspects of Mann's life, including not only his experiences at Harvard but also his involvement in the larger community. Entries related to life at Harvard describe club meetings (coffee club, Hasty Pudding Club and Phi Beta Kappa); trips to the theater; dinners at taverns; games and recreation, including a card game called "Loo," cribbage, backgammon, bowling, playing ball, fishing, skating and going for sleigh rides; gathering, and sometimes taking from others' gardens, food (most often plums, peaches, nuts and apples); what he ate (including one breakfast of three raw eggs and two glasses of wine); what he read (including Tristram Shandy and one of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's novels"); his friends, often mentioned by name; and academic work and formalities. In one entry he mentions the theft of several possessions from his room, and there are several entries about trips to Fresh Pond.|Mann's life beyond Harvard was very active. He traveled around Massachusetts, often on foot, making frequent trips to Boston, Wrentham (to visit a Masonic lodge), Medfield, Walpole (for corn), and Natick (to collect on a debt owed to his grandfather by an Indian). He seems to have been hired on occasion to borrow money or collect debts on behalf of friends. On May 20, 1799 he traveled to Boston to watch a frigate launch, and on June 12, 1799 he watched Governor Sumner's funeral procession. He writes lengthy entries about the death of George Washington in 1799, which greatly upset him, and attended a funeral commons in honor of Washington in January 1800. Mann also writes about rumors circulating that the Duke of York had been taken prisoner. Mann also describes various illnesses from which he and family members suffered, including his father's attack of what was diagnosed as Palsy, his mother's long illness, and his own itching and injured hand. He also mentions, in an entry made June 3, 1800, seeing a new machine "for drawing large stones out of the ground."|Throughout the four years this diary spans, Mann loved a woman whose name is always written in code. Many entries describe letters from her, their visits, and his pining for her.

Biographical Notes

Elias Mann was born in Medfield, Massachusetts on September 9, 1778, the son of Sabin Mann. Elias Mann entered Harvard College in 1796 and received an A.B. in 1800, an A.M. 1803 and an M.D. 1806. Mann practiced medicine in Medfield until his death on March 9, 1807.


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26 November 1798

Monday 26 Did not get any name out of the buttery. [Joe?] did not give us the nod of assent; therefore [??must] be contented to tarry one day longer. Nearby on [?]

Tusday 27 7 O' AM [?] in the [?ureas?ce] of myself agree covenent and [promise?] to observe the rules of [prudence?] X temperence. This being the [crisis?] as [pusseon?] and reason, my future wellfare depends upon my adhearence to this agreement [with?] myself. At a quarter past three [?] off for [Medfills?]. In three hours reached Whitneys tavern. from there to M-- [?] or [Chukerys?] horse. Spent the night toward the [north pole?]

Weday 28 Nothing [extraordinary?].

Thursday 29 Thanksgiving Nothing remarkable. Spent the evenig in the north, with Little Fish Bessy & att eleven Little returned & [Ponen?] and [?] God [?] where; the night [?] spent [sonethig?] [?].

Fryday 30 Nothing. [Soliud?] 1 [Seven?] 1798 [?] Finis


[old?] 29 Sep 1798

Saturday 29 Went to Wrentham for the purpose of [gettenig?] the [charse?] anended; and also on Beans Matters; returned through Medway.

Sounday 30 [?] at home gathered some walnuts & wote some letters. The night [?] spent in the in [brachi??] of [tsn01?]

No 1 Bin afled [walnuts?] in [??pany?] with L [Daniel?] and his sister,

Tusday 2 Nothing of importance. Went into town in in order to bowl, but found [Daniel?] [ouk?] con [siquinlly?] save up our pla[?], and played [?] in [?] wheelock, [?] for an hour or two

Wedneday 3 Spent ha[lf?] of [?] day with Daniel, who is in a [state?] of [convolsence?]. Slept that night at Cap Bust[?].

Thurday 4 [In?] the evening [Buttended?] the pobl[?] meeting and [found?] the Con[?]. The night I slept in [tsn01?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by KBickford
(seq. 17)

(seq. 17)

[left hand page] 5 Fryday 1798

Fryday Gadriu[?] en illium[sic] till 11 O'clock A.M., then 5 left it & and went as far as M Bullen's, where B [?] dinner and tarried till 2 O'clock P.M. B arriv ed at home at 3 O'clock P.M. Went to see Thom. Adams after letters from home[?], but he had not returned. Toward evening but I picked apples. At evenings B ? at cribbage with Albee in order to learn him the game. This has been the most agreeable day since I arrived from home.

Saturday 6 Spent in the greater part of the forenoon at Mr Adam's reading[?] his curiousities. Received two letters from Cam[bridge?] - one from Bean[?] & the other from Rogers. The remaining part of the day I spent in taking off a [illegible]table and meanding my gloves.

Sunday Very stormy 7

Monday Still raining 8

Tuesday Foul weather. At 10 o'clock Albee 9 went with Adams after walnuts.

[right-hand page] 2 December 1798

Sunday Very stormy. All night notwithstanding the storm, 2 compelled by the influence of love I braved its violence [illegible scored out] and sought repose in the arms of love. The night was fast, and brief --

Monday At twelve left Med[ford] for Cam[bridge]. Rode slowly 3 and arrived at C[ambridge] by half past five. Supper at B. Went to the theatre, and the [?] offered the most excellent tragedy. Little was mis attended companions in all these maneuvers, Leverett[?[ rode up with us from Boston.

Tuesday Nothing remarkable to day. Evening had no wood 4 consequently went to bed early.

Wednesday Broke my [?], I bought an otherl this occur5 ance the most remarkable that has occurred to day. Thendal is gone and no Greek. Bean is for bed and I comply half past ten.

Thursday Nothing curious[?]. Half past nine and some [?]. 6

Fryday Nothing of consequence. All evening. The coffee club 7 met at my room, and spent a very agreeable evening. Holbrook and Watson tarrierd till after eleven.

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December 1798

Saturday 8

This day I became a widower, my wif absconded. Sent by her a letter to my cruel wife and one to my father. endevoured to exchange some books with mr [Nummrede?] but he was too hard to trouble with;

In the evening the hasty pudding club met at Trumballs room. The only pleasure this club approves is eating hasty pudding; for after the pot is removed nothing but a dull monotony remains - By the way I agreed to gladly [forewith?] one half hour every day.

Sunday 9

I arrived at my chamber this day, and was employed in [haking?] off hte [plane?] scale. A very violent storm of snow, and excessively cold. Ten [M P 10 ?}

{Monday} 10

Nothing of consequence has occurred this day except in the morning it being a very [dense?] storm ended. [Ecso S A. K. M.} at my room and never did my abilities appear in so bad a light on any former occasion. I cannot be [great?], I will be honest. Mann.

{Tuesday} 11

Nothing of consequence. Even A [nine?] the meet any house bell nary [?es?] fine, what [brart?] [acclim?] Claps & [Bolters?] room, Lawyer [Bartlets?] house [Newly?] clever.

12 December {Wednesday} Nothing extraordinary. One O''clock

{Thursday} Been to Boston. Received a letter from 13 [Garnand?], sent one to [Whertong] & Alleborough and one to my brother. Had no [phorensuk?].

[obscured margin notes] [Friday?] Nothing. [Event?] Coffee club met at Alldons 14 room.

Saturday Every one knows that it is most in 15 fernal cold

Sunday Nothing remarkable. 16

Monday In the hall at noon I slipt a bone in the back 17 of my hand; the pain of the dislocated joint was intolerable.

Tuesday My hand is perfectly uless and something 18 painful.

{Wednesday} My hand still useless went to the 19 theatre, and saw the robers & [?cest?]

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19 December

{Wednesday} [elebrabed?] tragedy. 19 Ever since I have lived with [mouss?] have been almost totally inactive.

Thursday This day I am able once more to hold my pen 20 nothing further

Fryday Had [bbss?] [Kezia, ?] and enable me to 21 be contented when absent from her, she sower of my greatest happiness. Morss left college and [Bvelurnd?] to my own rooms. [Event] Coffee club met at Holbrook's room, [none?] of the members were absent.

Saturday Nothing remarkable 22

Sunday Old Elliot of Watertown preached for 23 parson Holms. [Storing?] send [word?]

Monday Nothing of consequence during the day. {Evening} 24 {Supped} at Holbrook's room with hims and Wadsworth. Had a very agreeable time. After supper, we conversed [whom] women [let] 9 O''Clock

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25 December 1798

{Tuesday} Christmas Nothing further unless rather warm for the 24 season

{Wednesday} Been to Boston found no letters and did no 26 busines, I am most infernal lazy.

Thursday My lazyness is most conspicuous; for several daies 27 I have not studyed any of consequence. For this ny- but I have this reason, which never fails to operate at the end of every term, it is love, I blush to acknowledge that this [protend?] god has / so wholy usurped the empire of my reason, that it is not possible for me to detach my thoughts the object of my fondest wishes, yet it is true. These nights move and there in heavens, others & will be happy in the armes of Kezia Amen.

Friday Been to Boston and [ajusted?] explain to 28 get my name out of the [buttery?], [whe's?] is as follows. I wrote a letter to myself and [susned?] with [Ballle?] [nurce?] [aynesysrs?] that he was going to M___ {Wednesday} con [vincnly?] [carry?] [mine?] This letter [Baller?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Maribeth
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