Colonial North America: Harvard University Archives

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Guild, Benjamin, 1749-1792. Diaries of Benjamin Guild, 1776, 1778. HUG 1439.5, Harvard University Archives.

(seq. 75)
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(seq. 75)

Sunday Nov. 8 Preached at Little Cambridge. I tho[ugh]t I could speak English with more ease for having attempted to speak French. Perhaps the organs of speech became more compliable.

Monday. This day [wreckt?] the Sammerset man of war was cast away upon Cape Cod near the race. About 40 of the hands were drowned. The rest were destined for Boston as prisoners of war, amounting to about 400. The guns, stores and rigging were chiefly saved. This is said to have been part of a fleet which was returning from an escort of the transports which sailed sometimes since from Sandy Hook, freighted with invalids, tories with [?], and officers of reduced regiments. The fleet consisted of 14 or 15 of the line which were to block the French fleet into the harbor. But the storm dispersed them, many of them having received much damage. The Squadron of Count D'Estaing, consisting of 12 of the line

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Harvard Library
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(seq. 76)

2 frigates and two armed sloops sailed last Wednesday under a fair strong gale. Being obliged to get underway exactly at such a time they left 5 or 6 of their anchors. They also ran upon a brigg in the [road?] which they very much damaged. Their destination was unknown; some conjecturing Halifax ; but the most the West - Indies. This day the Corportation met and Dr. Kneeland accepted the Stewardship. A vote was passed by which the corporation should raise the taxes of the fellows quarterly as they think proper & that all salaries should rise in proportion to the tax.


Spent the whole of the day in taking an account with Mr. Gannett and Dr. Kneeland of the kitchen utensils and stores of the College. That Mr. Gannett and I as a committee of the corporation might transfer them from the old, to the new Steward.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by jbp
(seq. 77)
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(seq. 77)

Wednesday Proposed to attend Mr. Ripley's ordination at Conrd; but unfavorable weather prevented. A storm came on very violent before noon and lasted all day. Read ^in the State of French nation in a series of letters. The observation perhaps just, but the language not pure. Spent the evening sociably, at Mr. Gannett's chember, chatting upon matters, politic, domestic and philosophic. Thursday Heard my class at my chambers this week in consequence of a confinement by some touch of the ague. Did not attend prayers this morning, but heard that potatoes and turnips were strewed all over the chapel. This perhaps took place in consequence of Mr. [Eames?] storing some of his, in the cellars in his entry which might be construed into an impropriety by the stuents. Mr. Newsom slept with me. Friday. Drank tea at Mr. Gannetts chamber with ladies from Boston. Spent the

Last edit almost 5 years ago by jkuipers
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evening at my chamber chiefly alone, which of late has been very uncommon.

Saturday. Kept at my chamber [chig?] of the time by which was able to prosecute my studies; both in French and English. It was said that two wrecks have been seen off the Cape since the [?] of the Somerset. It has also been reported that 150 sail [mone?] have fell down from N. York to the Hook, which will make the number, in addition to what have already sailed, to be about 300. This may give us some general idea of the immense quantity of shipping the King of Britain has in America.

Sunday. Preached all day at Little Cambridge. Heard that Terance had taken four West India Islands beside Dominica. These momments in that quarter of the world lead to conjectures that the chief of the British army and that Count [?] are destined to chose parts.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by jkuipers
(seq. 79)
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(seq. 79)

Monday. A furious attack made upon the corporation, in the paper, for chusing a Steward whose political conduct and principles had been called in question.

Tuesday. Rode to Boston with Miss [Thaty?] Wendell and returned with Miss Judah Cooper. Had a sociable, agreeable time. Dined at Mr Wendell's, who said [Miss?] Williams [?] Graves from [Pitsfaild?] were apprehended by a general warrent for malpractices, but he could not with propriety [mantain?] what they were.

Wednesday. It was reported that some [uneasiness?] was discovered by the overseers at the choice of the Steward. But I supposed it chiefly to arise from the [fone?] of prejudice.

Thursday. Did not go to Boston as usual. Spent the afternoon in looking over Mr Wendell's Library, which formerly belonged to {General} Bratte. But very few modern authors. Spent the evening with Dr Man at my chamber. He is about seeking a situation for life.

Friday. Bought an Hebrew Bible of Mr. Wendell

Last edit almost 5 years ago by sawyertaylorarnold
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(seq. 80)

having some inclination to learn Hebrew. The general price of Books is about old tenor for lawful. Spent part of the evening w Mr Moody who appeared sociable & romantic. He said his school consisted of about 60: that he was frequently obligd to refuse admission to others: and that there were applications enough to supply both Dummer's and Philips's school.

Saturday. Having agreed upon a change w Mr Dunbar, I set out w his lady for Salem. At Newel's I saw a gentleman in about 60 days from Nants, who said the French fleet had put back into [?] without a second engagement. We arrived at Salem about 3. I walked over to Beverly and spent an hour or two with Mr Willand.

Sunday. Nov. 29 Preached all day at Salem, Mr Dunbar's meeting. The meeting is small, but a number of sensible gentlemen attend

Last edit almost 5 years ago by sawyertaylorarnold
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(seq. 81)

it. Dined with Dr Putnam who appeared sociable and agreeable. Spent 1 evening at Mr Barnard's in chatting upon a variety of subjects. He appeared to be a man acquainted with [litters?]. Last Thursday, Mr Hopkins, who has been one of the council for several years past, was ordained at Salem. But little attention was paid to the ordination as the [?] appeared to be a party separated from Dr [Whittelner's?]. And indeed the whole town seems to be divided into separate parties and assemblies; as no two clergimen out of the five will change with each other, unless something particular require it. Spent 1 [easter past?] of the evening with Dr Holioak appeared sociable and well acquainted with the most celebrated physical authors whether ancient or modern.

Monday. Spent chief of the afternoon at Misticks. Gave 18 dollors for two common

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taffity handkerchiefs. Mr. Willis Hall said the Germans behaved in general exceeding well before they left, and all the time they were at [Prospeer?] hill. Many of them appeared determined to desert before they [shd?] reach Virginia. Bill of exchange have [rise?] from 3 for one, to 4 [?] 5 for one: and a hard [?] from 15 to 26 dollors.

Tuesday {General} Gates, who has been at Boston about a week [?] [taken?] the command of this department, was to dine with {General} Philips. I heard my clap at 11: and went to Boston with Miss Cooper. [Found?] it very cold, as it had been ever since Saturday morning. [Found?] at my [?] that Prince had [been?] wind [bound?] at Barnstable and Plymouth for [?] or [?] Sabbaths and that he could not fulfil his engagements at the New-North.

Wednesday. Spent the day in preparing a [thanks?]

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(seq. 83)

giving sermon. Spent some part of the evening at Mr. Wendell's and waited upon Miss Whitwell to Mr. [?]. Found her sociable and agreeable.

Thursday. State Thanksgiving. Preached at Little Cambridge. And as I was to accept whatever they gathered by their contribution, I was presented after meeting with about ten pounds. I engaged another month, dined at Mr. [Fuller's?] and spent chief of the evening at College. Some disorders took place among a few of the students and I found my windows broke by [?] of bottles.

Friday Dined at the President's with the Gentlemen of the College. Supped at Mr. Sewall's; where was the once celebrated Mr. Otis. He now appears among the lowest ranks an whenever he can have an unrestrained access to his glass he appears perfectly

Last edit almost 5 years ago by omandica
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(seq. 84)

delirious. He is a terror to the young and defencely, and altho he [disavows?] the ruins of a great mind; yet he is rather a nuisance than a benefit to society.

Saturday. Attended a monthly meeting in the fornoon; but a more disagreeable one in the afternoon, occasioned by the disturbances at Thanksgiving. All examinations for breach of laws are [attendad?] with uneasing but when there is no [preserving?] dignity that uneasing is increased.

Sunday. Dec. 6. Preached all day at Little Cambridge. The [?] paraphrased in the chapel which had been omitted for several times in consequence of a [?] [dation?] of the Cooperation, (which arose arose from a combination to stay out of prayers) to be as sharing of such excercises as might be. Some [?] took and an approven [?] was [?].

Last edit almost 5 years ago by sawyertaylorarnold
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