(seq. 40)
the intentions of the parties have been re-
gularly published agreeably to the form
of the law in that care made & provided
James Winthrop Just Peace
NB. Rev. President Willard & his daughter
Sophia, Mrs Kettell sister of the bride with
her husband & children, Walter Frost & his sister
Sarah with other persons were present, & a
certificate of the marriage given immediate-
ly to Mr Rand.
certified to Town Clerk
Middlesex [sc?] Be it remembred that on the
fourth day of December in the year of our
Lord 1791, I James Winthrop Esq. one of
the Justices assigned to keep the peace within
& for said County, join in marriage Cato
Bancroft & Nancy Cullen both of Cam-
bridge in said County, negroes; the intentions
of the parties appearing by a certificate from
the town clerk of said Cambridge to have
been regularly published agreeably to the
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