(seq. 41)
form of the law in that case made & 33
James Wintrhop Just Peace
NB. Mr. Harris librarian of the University, Mr. Shap-
leigh the butler, Mr. Phelps a resident gra-
duate with others were present
Certified to Town Clerk
Middlesex [sc?]. Be it remembred, that on this
twenty fifth day of February in the year of
our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & nine
ty two Elijah Tolman of Newton in said
County housewright is brought before me
James Winthrop Esq, one of the Justices
assigned to keep the peace in & for said
County by John Stone Jr, one of the deputy
sheriffs of said County by warrant issued by
me the said Justice on the 23rd day of said
February against the said Elijah, for that
he the said Elijah with did on the tenth day of
said February at Newton aforesaid, against
the peace of said Commonwealth & the law
& dignity thereon, with a person who called
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