(seq. 16)




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3. They have an Appetite to this spirituall food. As they
feel a need of it, so they have an earnest & eager
desire after it. Their Soul longs after good things,
after Christ, his righteousnes, grace & benefits out
of that extream need they feel of the same. Hence they are
described to be longing Souls. Ps. 107. 9. Hungering &
thirsting after righteousnes. Mat. 5. 6. Whose Souls
thirst, pant & long after God & for comunions with
him. Ps. 63. 1. 2. & 42. 1, 2. & 84. 2. This is the thing
their hearts are upon Ps. 27. 4. 44 are seeking. Isai. 41. 17.

4. They are not satisfyed till they are filled with this spi-
ritual food, with these good things. Hunger will not
be allayed or wear off till there be something to
satisfy it. Hence these hungry souls are restles
till they can meet with something of God to satisfy them.
Lam. 3. 49, 50. till the Lord look down etc. until the Lord
be pleased by some relief & delivery afforded me
to make it appear that he doth regard, take notice
of & take to heart my present dejected & distressed
condition. Engl. Annot.

5. These hungry souls are such as have not wherewith
to supply their wants in or of themselves. They are
altogether destitute as to themselves, 44 have nothing
now can they any way come by any thing whereby
their souls may be filled. They are plain beggars.
Refuge fails them. Ps. 142. 4, 5. They have no where
to go, now nothing to take to, 44 are nothing but
want & necessity.

6. They are sensible they deserve no good whereby
their souls should be refreshed & delighted. They
have no worthiness in them for which God should
bestow any thing upon them. They can plead for no-
thing from God upon the account of any thing in them
selves, they can challenge nothing at his hands. Luk. 15. 21.
They acknowledge that if God ever shew them mercy it
will be exceeding rich mercy & altogether free & un-

7. Being hungry & empty they look to Christ & his ful-
nes for all they want to be satisfyed & filled. There is in Christ a
fulnes. Col. 1. 19. which is for the good of his people.
John. 1. 14, 15, 16. Now to this full Christ do these
empty souls look, they hunger after him & his
benefits. The earnest eager pursuit of their souls
is after him as who only can satisfy & fill & content
them. Phil. 3. 7-14. The evangelically hungry soul
hath an appetite to & a longing after Jesus Christ
& cannot be satisfyed without or till the enjoyment of

6. [illegible] in Isai. 41.17.

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