(seq. 6)
To make Cheese Cakes
Take two Quarts Milk, make it boil, beat fourteen Eggs, put them in when
it boils, Stirring them once round, let it stand a few minutes then strain
it in a sive, let it drean well, then work in near half a pound Butter,
Mace, Cinnamon, currants, rose water, a little Wine & Sugar it makes a
fine cheese Cake If you like almonds beat & put in which is better.
Murrell Cake
Take 10 lb Flour, 3 lb Sugar, 3 lb Butter 1/2 oz Spice chiefly cinnamon
6 Eggs, 1 pint yeast, break the Butter into the Flour & spread the Sugar
atop, let it rise before you mix in the Sugar.
Plain Cake
Take 10 lb Flour, four pounds Sugar, four pounds Butter, thirty
Eggs, a pint rose water, a pint yeast when it is water'd, a Bottle
white Wine, an oz. mace, an oz Cinnamon half an oz. nutmeggs
a quarter an oz Cloves, two pounds Citron.
Loaf Cake
Take five pounds Flour, one pound & 3/4 of sugar half a
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