page [44] 13 May 1900 (seq. 45)




Status: Needs Review

Cambridge, Mass.
May 12

Dendroica maculosa.
One, or more, about here & there, singing
vigorously all day.
Dendroica pensylvanic.
One seen twice, once close to my window.
Dendroica castanea
One seen in the hemlocks by the big ap-
ple tree. I stood with a few feet and
observed every marking as well as if it
was in my hand. It was as a superb male
in rich plumage. The head was rich
chestnut, and the throat and sides a
deep chestnut. On the side of the neck
was a white patch. The sun shone on
him as he poised for me. I can
never have a better view.
Seiurus aurocapillus.
One walking about in his dainty way.
Setophaga ruticilla.
Two, a fine ♂ {male} and either a ♀ {female} or a young ♂ {male}.
It was probably a ♀ {female} as it never sang
while the ♂ {male} was singing continually and
flitting about, catching insects on the wing.
Galeoscoptes carolinensis
Two evidently a pair, seen about, all day.
Turdus aliciae.
One. Same bird as of yesterday.
Turdus ustulatus swainsonii.
One seen several times
Merula mygratoria {migratoria}. At least five.
Spizella socialis. One singing. Total 20.

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