(seq. 3)




Status: Complete

From [Acens?] fewer explanations

A sentence is a set of words making a com-
plete statement.

Begin every sentence with a capital and
end it with a period.

In every sentence the thing talked about
is called the subject.

The thing stated is called predicate.

Every sentence must contain a subject and
a predicate.

The principal word in the subject
of a sentence is a name-word, because
it represents the thing named.

The principal word in the predicate
is a statement-word, because it represents
the thing stated or said.

Name-words are called Nouns.

Statement words are called Verbs.

A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.

Adjectives describe or limit things.

Adverbs describe actions and qualities.

Prepositions are words used to show
the relation between a foollowing noun or pronoun.

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