Miriam Van Waters Papers. Male Prisoner Correspondence, 1927-1971. Correspondence: B, 1932-1933. A-71, folder 595. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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File address

Thursday Jan 14 -32

Dear Miriam

Ive been writing to you Every day for a month but somehow, none of the letters got on a sheet of paper & my dates are being so switched about that I'm never sure where I'll be when. Yesterday I was told to be in Methuen and Watertown, Mass for an afternoon and an evening talk Sunday that will put me in Boston Sat the 16th about 7PM and I'll take the liberty to ring you when I arrive. I'm anxious to hear all about you and your new job. I'm not quite sure whether I gouth to congratulate you but I'm sure I can congratulate those Ladies of the Big House who are to be under your guidance. Love to you and those of your household and thanks for the old Golds. Goodbye till Saturday. Black

Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear
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Jan 19th

My dear Miriam

I just got notice that my date for the 24th is at Shelton, Conn

This [??] is nearer NY than Boston so I will go there Saturday & that will put me in Boston, or rather at no 7 Residence Early Sunday am.

I was talking to Vivian (phone) and told her you were going to be at the job early in March & she is most interested in our movements and made me swear to get every morsel of news about you

Delar (maid) sent me away in good shape monday - a fine breakfast and a hearty "good luck to you." if I don't watch myself I'll be giving her candy

Love to you all

John Black

Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear
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32 Hubbard Park Cambridge

March 7 [1932?]

Dear Dr. Van Waters This to remind you that I hope very much that you write to Dr. Meiklejohn about having Mr. Black talk at the Experimental College and any other place in Madison that could be arranged.

The address Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn Adams Hall Madison, Wiscconsin

The talk tonight was decidedly worth hearing and makes me anxious that more hear Mr. Black.

Thankyou awfully for letting Shady Hill know about the talk.


Ruth P. Morgan

Last edit about 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
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Cuptertino, Calif

May 16 32

Dear Miriam: It has been more than a month since I reced your letter in NY and I've answered it every evening since, only, The answers just didn't seem to get on paper. I hope you are OK and that you are getting on with your charges in the "ref" all right. The Connicks sent me a clip from The Transcript which I thought was very well done. I got out of bed in NY and crawled into a bus not feeling any too good, but strangely enough I began to mend at once and was in good shape when I got here. Was down to LA last week with Mr Older for two days but didn't get out to Stone House was too busy running errands. However I got Elizabeth Woods on the phone at her school office and had a chat with her. She said Sara and Bode were coming out soon

Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear
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for the summer and I'm wondering if you wont be lonesome without them. But you'll probably be so busy that you wont have time to get lonely. I have your letter here before me. And I want to say I'm glad you are happy and I'm sure Everybody in the joint - will be happier than before. I do think their letter writing will Ease them up. They want to tell their troubles to somebody and if they cant get that outlet they begin to boil up inwardly and turn sour. The Olders send love and wishes for your success. We had Clarence and Mrs Danvers here yesterday and they left for the East this P.M. He was besieged by all the Women's Clubs in San Francisco to speak and had a tough time getting away. I hope to be in LA again this summer and will see Sara and Bode and all the gang.

Goodbye and love to you

John Black

Last edit about 3 years ago by logiebear
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