Miriam Van Waters Papers. Male Prisoner Correspondence, 1927-1971. Correspondence: G, 1965-1970. A-71, folder 597. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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Jan 14, 1965

Dear Dr. Van Waters I hope this letter finds you in the best of health & good spirit.

I received your letter & also a check today. I I was very happy that you were able to answer. I had not been sure that you were not far to busy with something more important. I have been told that you were very busy & did not have the time to accomplish all of what you wish so you can imagine how I feel that you did answer. I will try to answer your questions as best I can, although I have little to offer to prove my sincerity.

Perhaps in my first letter I should have explained that I have a very bad record dating back to Lyman School in 1952 when I was thirteen. I come from a family of sixteen. Both of my parents are alive & visit as often as is possible for them. Of the fourteen children, I am the only one to become involved with

Last edit about 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
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the law. My father is fifty years of age, my mother forty eight & the children range from ages twenty nine down to nine. Five of which are still dependent upon my parents. I am third oldest, being twenty seven in March. One sister & one brother older than I.

The entire family have been taught in the Catholic way of life. I have not followed to close, this type of life, rather choosing to belive in a more sientific way. I do belive in a God but in a different way & I have talked to Father Foley (the Catholic Chaplain at Walpole) explaining how I belive. I will talk to him about you & I am sure he will help me in any way he can. He is a devoted man, to both God & man.

My home town is Worcester, Mass. I attended eight complete grades of school & quit when I was sixteen to go to work. I have however found out the importance of schooling & have since studied in scientific fields that I have

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III [14 January 1965]

found intriguing. I am most interested in the study of internal medicine. Histology & Embriology are two phases of the study that I have delved deep into. I have also completed a course in development of radio (Elements of Radio) which I received a B+ for a mark.

As for work I have beenin the kitchen doing various jobs. I have no problem at all in obtaining employment or a home upon my release. I am a trained auto body man but have been forced to give it up due to a long condition, but as I have stated employment is no problem at all.

My conduct has not been so good, in fact I am in lock up at the present time and have been for over three months. I can not explain at this time except to say that I belive the administration will find that I did not act in ill intention.

At the present time I am serving 6-8 years. This sentence will expire in April when I will

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star the two others which aggrigated are 8 1/2 - 13 years. The earliest parole date is something over 3 years from now. I hope I have been able to answer your questions & hope that you are still willing to help me, if possible.

I will tell my parent about you & ask them if they might also write to you. They have stood by my side even after all the heartaches I have caused them & I dont belive finer parents can be found anywhere. At any rate I belive you will like them & feel free to ask what ever information you desire. In my next letter I will try to explain more of what you may ask.

Once again I wish to thankyou for everything that youve done. I hope there is some way I can repay you, in any way at all.

I am inclosing a copy of our prison paper & will send one to you each month. I remain Respectfuly yours Richard Gingras

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Richard Gingras

If not delivered in 10 days Return to Box 100, South Walpole, Mass 02071

CIT Keep on file

Dr. Miriam Van Waters 14 Clark Street Framingham Mass

JAN 17 1966

Last edit about 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
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