(seq. 42)




Status: Needs Review


NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters
STREET & NUMBER Eagle County,
CITY Troutville, STATE Colorado

BOX 1112
Joliet, Illinois
September 4, 1938

Dear Dr. Van Waters;

When I read in your letter of Aug. 22 that you were taking a long
vacation, I was pleased very much. You work so hard during
the whole year. You will be very fit when you come back.

I made a mistake about the check. Mrs. Thompson sent it, not Miss Binford
as I wrote in my last letter. I must be getting blind as I looked at the signature
twice. The rules do not permit my writing to her; therefore I must ask you to
thank you for the check and the kind thoughts which prompted her to write it.

Another new rule just jumped at me from the loud-speaker - "Because of
so many visitors lately," visits will be limited to thirty-five minutes. I cannot
give you my honest opinion of everything in general. What few visits I
may get will be spoiled because of this rule. I wouldn't think of letting Miss
Rice go to all the trouble of coming to see me for such a short time. Her loss
of time and the tiresome drive down here and back are too much. I appreciate
her good intentions. Please thank her for me and tell her to forgit the visit.

What are you writing so early each morning while on vacation?
You must tell me all about how you enjoy yourself. Do you dislike bait-
ing your hook with a squirmy old worm? Perhaps you only eat the fish?
Naturally, I would like to go along and enjoy the fresh air, sparkling waters,
trees, and hills, but as I can't go, I am always pleased when you get away from
your work for a good rest. You surely needed a rest, so make the most of it.
I guess you will be all alone this winter with everyone going away.

I hardly know what to say about Anna, your cook. She may be too old
to go away, or she may have no ambition and be satisfied with just food.

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted.
Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

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