Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: C, 1942-1946. A-71, folder 289. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

Sunday Belchertown St. School REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN OCT 10 1942 FRAMINGHAM[rubber stamp mark]

My dear Dr. Van Waters,

I saw Mary Cronin last Monday, and thought about her at odd times this week, but the only real conclusion I came to is that I myself am not fine enough or good enough to pass any judgments on her. However I want to give you my impressions:

I do not believe she is lying to herslf about the offense for which she came to Framingham. She is much too level headed for that. She probably sees the matter in such a way that from certain points of view she is either technically or actually innocent. It seems to me probable also that she did not receive for her own use any of the money she is supposed to have appropriated.

On the other hand it seems to me there must be certain transactions in her past life about which she is not being frank. Very few people are as guiltless as she makes herself out to be. But to ask her to tell them while she is still at Framingham may be too much to expect. She has been so reduced in her estimate of herself that she feels she cannot afford to lose one iota of respect from other people; she does not realize how very much she would gain both in her alternate regard for herself and in the opinion of anybody who really matters.

Her mother's suffering on her account is very real to her and valid for its own sake.


Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

But I would like to see her show more real concern for the feelings and positions of other people (However she shows as much as lots and lots of people. She has given me genuine appreciation and voiced genuine appreciation of many people at Framingham.)

On the other side of the ledger, -Her suffering has been greater than many because she is proud, cold, and reserved (or so she seems to me) She does not have the consolation of those who integrate naturally and easily with other people. In the face of this her poise and courage, and ability to develop interests at Framingham (classes etc) seems rather fine. If she is dishonest about small things that is nothing more than lots of people are doing all the time. Also people shut up in institutions with no assurance of getting what they need regularly (candy, cigarettes, etc etc.) develop new & different attitudes about such things which are not necessary an of what they would feel outside.

I am so glad she is has the job in the Harmony news. Some steps upward was so urgently needed and from her point of view so long in coming.

I don't know how she is going to turn out. But the more faith people have in her the better she will be..

With love and faith in your undertakings

Yours sincerly

Dorothy Durling

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 3)

(seq. 3)

Mary Cronin Jones 10/22/42 36: 4/47 expire [red writing MVW see her?] Larcery 6/43 Parole Hearing Proud family Mary Cliff ceod Mo. employed in Partie Law Sch. Dept Store. Isolated from Society

1934 inquiry

[column 1 Forgery $ 1250.00 in Lawyer's office/ --Unpaid salary $ 4000.00 ---Probation --Larc. of Dresses Bad tempered attor Brennen Civil Service]

[column 2

1 has? - indecent exposure Posted?

Boston Psychotic award asocial emotionally unstable Bad tempered crafty Superior / Haughty / Widespread reputation for Dishonesty "Kiss of Death" - is what Lawyers call her)

(1 Man left his wife & chn. Suicide (She wrote obscence letters - said she was pregnant)]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 4)

(seq. 4)

Brilliant Defense Speech not Litsed 1 Pattern Selfish Gets peeved - "No Salary" Logical /exact-

Interests Has Initiative Catholic Art [illegible Biolgraphy Garden Lit En. 127% Fa. Mubry Rate Memory - outstanding 12 - 13 - Relationships

Well served in emotional tutorial 7 weeks Hospital / [Basal metatose?] Knit RW. Harmony News

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)

[Massachusetts Shield]

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Correction State House, Boston


May 19, 1943

Miriam Van Waters, Supt. Reformatory for Women Framingham, Massachusetts

Dear Dr. Van Waters:

Re: Mary R. Cronin #16324

It has been brought to my attention that there are no indenture papers in the case of the above-named woman in the file in this office.

Would you please forward one copy of the indenture contract and a medical report, as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Arthur T. Lyman [signature] Arthur T. Lyman Commissioner

[ red pencilEMR Get Medical Rept. today.]


Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
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