Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: C-Cl, 1932-1970. A-71, folder 278. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge,



(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

Dr. Van Waters

Just a note of appreciation for allowing the girls of E.W. to see the movies on Saturday. I am sure they enjoyed it very much & we all wish to thank you,

Thankfully yours (mayor) Josephine Callahan & girls


Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

7 December 1933

Hon. Dr. M. Van Waters,

I am so glad that the wind has changed so not be so cold in here for us all. Dr. I not only feel, but know that Dr. has a great deal to do in this Institution and doing a worldly good so to make everything pleasant for students and thou great many of them do not appreciate to all that is done for their good and please remember Dr. here is one that will & shall always stand by you. I do wish I was going home now or even go home for a day and would do something that would certianly amazed those who are so

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
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(seq. 3)

mean trying to hurt Dr. trouble is they don't kno what conditions were here before Dr. took office here as Supt. & not alone explaining what conditions were here when I was here in 1907. Then perhaps they would have plenty to talk about & hurt Supt. who was in charge in this Institution in 1907. It was terrible in those days in 1907. & it takes me to tell it to as I say I do wish I was even out for a day now while thise mean things are said in papers to hurt Dr. and I kno a Reporter at the Globe, he went

to school with my son George lived in back where I lived in Medford and he is such a good friend that he is very one who kept my case out of all Boston papers ^this time If Dr. lets me go home for a day soon as Dr. can allow me. I'll do something so to come back on those who are hurting Dr. I'll have this same Reporter come to see me & I'll talk tell him plenty and how things were here in 1907 & during Mrs. Hoodder's term and explain all good things done for us here by Dr. & also explain how mean some girls are & way they act. & not appreciate by what Dr. does

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
(seq. 4)

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here. so to make ladies out off them. I am in sincere earnest as I state. & want to do it. I am going to stand by you Dr. & further more I also kno head reporter of the Boston Hearald: Joe Ryan is his name. & Thomas Grant is one at Boston Globe. I want to do this & contradict certain things. Public should kno that it is impossible to have any men work inside this Institution as the girls young would certain annoy the men. & then lead temptation of girls after the men. and no such a thing as girls working nights. as I kno all work is suspended at 5 P.M.

Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
(seq. 5)
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(seq. 5)

7 December 1933

trouble is Public is misconstruded. not explained the truth. I have seen & also observed plenty here & I don't see anybody here been driven so hard to k kill any girl they all show picture of good health. I do hope Dr. thinks this over & let me kno if I can home soon for a day all day leave here early and want Miss Bowman to come with me this time & I shall have her with me & make note of everything I say to reporter so to give to Dr. My heart

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
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