(seq. 8)




Status: Complete

[right page]
Because you have been
too good to me.

I had a letter from my
mother. She is feeling
much better. And I feel
so much better.

Do you really think she
will be allright Dr.

I know if I was home
she would not worry so

Mrs. Winslow ask me if
I could do some ironing
for some of the officers.
I would gladly do any
thing you ask me.

My research Miss Rice
is gone away and I don't
know when she will be

[left page]

I feel so down hearted
I have no one to talk
to me or encourage me
Dr please don't get sore
at me for writing to you

But I just had to write
to you, I know you will
understand me, better than
the rest.

I will close
now. Hoping this letter
finds you in the
best of health.

Miss Evelyn Connelly
Hodder Hall
Box 99

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