Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: D, 1942-1944. A-71, folder 293. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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(seq. 1)


780 Pelham Parkway Bronx N.Y. J. Shaffer

Dear Dr. Van Waters

Your cards arrived -- and they helped so much. The one I received at the [?] had a special message that gave me hope - "You will soon be out of this [pit?] - and into the freshness of the morning! Twelve girls checked out with me - and while we were waiting I read it too them. There were all kinds in the group. and they all were deeply [?] by that line - your quietsteady - gallant beacon shines every where - [Russel?] is lucky to have you. Good luck at Chicago.

I am a sort of companion and Jack of all Trades here. The woman is a semi-invalid -- but just all-night. I was fotunate to get this at this Time.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

The past forty days and nights [have?] left a wound - This almost got me but - bit by bit I am coming to life. Guess I can't take it. Any way I am [?] and how ! Some day I shall give you details - but perhaps by then they shall not be as sharp in my mind.

This lady had planned to go to Maimi the latter part of Jan. Now she is reluctant to go. Shall use a little persuasion as I would like the trip. The war has frightened many.

Brigadier McNorman was so kind and thoguhtful - and it was a busy time for her. I have sent her a note.

Old Dan - said "There is sadness in being a man - but a proud thing too - no one knows the meaning of that - only men [?] men" - You have shown me the way. Jan 1 - 42. Lucille.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

March 25 - 42.

Dear Mrs. Jamisson -

Arrived in Springfield Tues. M. 24. Expect to stay here a few weeks. It is rather difficult to support oneself in N.Y without proper salary. Hope to hit a good job soon.

You spoke of sending my things - shall be very gratifull if you would send them here. Want to get my clothes together. A suit case - even and old one would be most acceptible. I am feeling reat - weigh 142 lbs. shall write again later - and happy as all-ways to hear from you. 193 Marion St. [?] Lucille

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
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(seq. 4)

Mrs. A. Jamieson 93 Homer Street Newton Center Mass.

Lucile Denene F'6

Last edit over 4 years ago by swexner
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Mar 31 42

Dear Dr. Van Waters

I received a note from Mrs. [Jamieson?] writing of a talk she had with you.

She spoke of my signing a commitment with you for 2 years promising to do what you thought best. There come times when wh? [we?] know we have reached the end of our

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
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