Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: F, 1934-1935. A-71, folder 297. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

[ca. Sept. 1934]

Please answer soon Doctor Vanwarters

My Dear Kind Friend Doctor Vanwarters Just A few lines I hope to find you well also your dear Mother God bless your Mother I was so pleased with the visit I had with her at your House Doctor words can not explain the Joy it broth me the visit was sweet and It done my old heart good because I did not expect to meet your dear Mother all [ali on?] and now I am saying A prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

Mother of God to help me or the Mother of God In all powerfull she will ask her dear Son God to give me A fair chance all I want Is A right start A place to work and go to my Church then I will be happy again or I herd that some of the women were called by Miss Parr here she takes care of the girls that see Paroll board I have not been called yet Doctor please help me get Parole next month October I will be here six months In all with love your Respectfully Lillian Fitzgerald.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 3)

(seq. 3)


November [?] So. Framingham Mass

My Dear Kind Friend Doctor Vanwarter

Just A few lines I send your little Mother my love God bless her I love her and never can forget the shake hands I had with your Mother Ia A real Lady and so good God tells her how to do and she dose It with her great big kind loving heart I am sure God will take care of me God sende me the [?] and Miss Mcnally has been to see my sister In Lynn all are well there and I feel better about the way I am placed at the presant time

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 4)

(seq. 4)

Doctor I don't wish to go to the Poor House now because I am not sick enough to be helpless some times I have to stay In my room because I can't be leaving the dining room yet I feel pretty well I am well enough to scrub floors I am not on sick list yet and I would love to see Thanksgiving and Christmas out side of here some good place not poor House please help me In all yours Respectfully

Lillian Fitzgerald.

Doctor Vanwarter Office Care Miss Kelley

[note: Mother to see]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)

December [th5?] 1934 Box 99 So. Framingham Lillian Fitzgerald. Mass.

My Dear Kind Friend Doctor Vanwalter little Mother you are the dearest little Mother I ever met out side of my own dear Mother as my Mother Is with God In Heven I am sure because my Mother had A large family 12 of us to bring up as my Father was In this Country A shoe business of his own In Rockland Mass he sent for us all when he saved up his money

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 35 in total