Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: F, 1936-1966. A-71, folder 296. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 11)
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(seq. 11)

2 very interesting so far. It is somewhat like the "Gentle [Home?]" story. However we will have to go a little farther, to get the real meaning of the story.

I was so happy to read that you will be come home in March. That isn't a long time. But it seems like years when one is waiting for a happy event to occur. And we will be waiting to give you an old fashion welcome. Dr. Van Waters forever: Name whatever you want, and we will try to see that get it.

I know when you come home, you will continue to make life pleasant here for us. And I shall be happy to try the part of Saint Martin, in your play.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 12)
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(seq. 12)


Altho I am not so good at try out, But after I study the part and place myself in the character position. Than I try to do my best.

I never will forget the first night we put on the "Mikado". Ruth Shank and I took a fit of laughter and couldn't stop. I was so glad you waited until the second night to come (smile) I hope that will never happen again.

Well Doctor I must close right here I have some mathematical problems, staring me in the face. And it looks as if they are going to give me a hard time (smile) keep sweet. May God Bless you, and I will write you again real soon.

Sincerely yours, Dorothy [Faucette?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 13)
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(seq. 13)

Saturday Jan. 2, 1959 [1960?] Dearest Dr.

Thank you for my extraordinary Christmas gift. I have never seen a prettier book marker.

The ten commandments certainly will be a daily reminder for me.

Just cant thank you enough. I really like it.

I do hope you had an enjoyable holiday season and that we will be seeing you a lot

2 this new year. I just can't believe its 1960. Haven't stop smiling yet. Usually I go to bed early on New Years eve., but not this one. When new year came in I greeted it highly drinking pepsi cola. We danced for long hours. I suppose the [most?] of us have great expectations this year. At least I will really know something this year, as you know

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 14)
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(seq. 14)

3 I go to parole board. I am a little down hearted with the fact that I don't go this month, but I can hardly wait until [Oct.?]

Please leave lots of space in your scedule so you can visit me often this year.

All my love Sincerely, Dorothy [Faucette?]



for Biographer

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 15)
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(seq. 15)

[May 2, 1936] May 2nd Saturday Dear Dr. Van Waters:

Please send the enclosed [w??] to your dear Mother for me, I will appreciate this, also will you please recommend my release so that I may go to my mother soon. I give you my sacred word of honor that you will never have cause to regret aiding me to go home. Please give me a chance to prove my innocense, also to prove to you I am not a criminal in any sense. Help me I beg of you let me

Last edit over 4 years ago by Susalie
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 89 in total