Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: F, 1936-1966. A-71, folder 296. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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B.B. 7/29/51 [c. 29 July 1951] From Norma Ferguson ____________________ Box A, Alderson, [W.?] Va. (Date) To Dr Van Waters Box 99, Framingham, Mass _______________________ ________________________ (Name) (Address)

Dear Dr Van Waters, Your lettter reached me two weeks ago. It was the nicest surprise I've had for a long time! At the time I received it, I was confused and bitter about many [ihings?] and unable to write the things I know would please you. I khink the complete change from Framingha was a little too much for me then. I feel a lot differently now though. For some reason, unknown to myself, I am somewhat resigned to things in general and feel I will be well adjusted before long. Yes, it did please me to hear the play went off well, although I was mostly concerned with seeing the merry makers pulling together for a change. Knowing that harmony prevailed among them when I left, gave me more satisfaction than seeing the play performed could have. A short while ago, my social worker informed me that I would not be permitted to correspond

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with Chessie. It did upset me even though I was expecting it. I do hope she is still well and happy Doctor, I would like to thank you for so many things. Mainly for giving me my first opportunity to know that there are people like yourself in the world. I had no proof of it before Framingham and, its left a deep empression on me. In fact, I now find myself more eager to understand people and less apt to distrust them _ for the first time in my life. I attend music appreciation classes regularly but, there seems to be so much missing without Miss Gladding. Please give her my regards. My regards also to your family and special thanks to Mrs. Van Waters for all her kindness. I hope Isabelle continues to do well for you and herself. Sincerely,


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September 5, 1951

Mrs. Norma Ferguson Box A Alderson, West Virginia

Dear Norma,

I was pleased to receive your letter of July 29th, which reached me early in August at a time we were very busy putting on again "St. Martin of Tours." The day after our last performance I went to Audubon Study Camp in Maine for a twelve-day holiday. This explains the reason you have had to wait for an answer, for I want you to know that I really appreciate your letter.

Chessie came to the play, and said it was better than ever. She is still a trusted employee at the hospital, and all goes well with her.

This year St. Martin was played by Anastasia, the young girl who looks after Susan and Ralphie. The angel was Beulah, a girl you may remember in the Merrymakers, though possibly not, as she lives at Hodder. Frances was Lord Percy, the Villain, and did it very well. We had about the same number of guests, and served about the same refreshments, so you can imagine how busy the house girls were. In affairs of this kind we certainly miss you.

My vacation was devoted to studying the out of doors under wonderful teachers. I can't say I know much more, because it is hard to learn so many details, but certainly I have more reverence for God's out of doors.

Mrs. Hildebrandt will return in a day or so and take up her work enthusiastically at Hodder. My little grandchildren will go to school in Southboro. My daughter has found a nice apartment there.

Everyone in the household sends you sincere good wishes, and hopes for your good health and happiness.

Sincerely yours,

Miriam Van Waters, Superintendent


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Dear Dr. Van Waters, in recognition of the first letter I wrote; I want to appoligize for all the trouble I have put you to. I know I must seem to be quite a nuisance (which I dont mean to be) I hope you aren't too offended in my running away as I did, and wish you could understad my feelings, as I have run away from quite a few places, about six or seven years ago my mother put me in a camp for girls, (Summer Camp) it was supposed to be a vacation for 2 weeks, my younger sister was with me also, and the 2nd day I was there I got homesick and

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2. sneaked away I took my sister with me and we were caught down the road. and brought back to the camp they had someone watch me while I was there the next 12 days and when the day came I never was more happier. and even since then I couldn't stand being away from home. its not that the places arent good enough for me doctor, after what I've seen this place is really a "Paradise" and I sincerely mean it. The only reason I mentioned "Jail" was that I was told you get paroled sooner.

but as I've thought it over I'd rather use my time" here than serve it" somewhere else. Doctor I appreciate your trying to help me get early parole, Oct 7th I came here with good intentions on serving six mos. I was told I'd have to do here.

3. and when I recieved my card saying "two years, I didn't know what to think I felt like runing out the front door that day. But I controled myself and held it inside until the day came when I just had to go. and on the day I ran from the Annex it was because I couldn't bear the thought of staying "3 long weeks here they seemed to go by so slow. And when the Judge gave me 4 years for that, there was nothing I could say, ^and nothing I wanted to say" all I did was think of the six years I had given to me for nothing (I thought) and when I ran from Miss Swabbs with Lizabeth + Elsie, I really regretted it, as it was my fault they went, I wanted to be home so bad for Xmas, but now for the first time, I think I

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