Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: F, 1936-1966. A-71, folder 296. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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2. [17 Sept. 1948]

and I [know?] the fine work under difficulties that has been accomplished at the Institutuition also in the future of the Institutuition under the present administration

Miss O'Keefe what I want to tell you, is there anything I can do?

Dr. Van Wanters changed my life, from a unhappy one to an constructive happy one . Allie thinks - of her as an Angel. [?onnie] + Lanny as well and big as they [are?] ([?onnie] is married) never forget to say "God [bless?] Dr. Van

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 42)
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(seq. 42)

3. [17 Sept. 1948]

Waters;" you know thats some time ago but you will understand their appreciation.

Allie is still in the Army, he is here back from Fairbanks Alaska on vacation. he will be at [W?] Field after Oct 1st.

I have lived with him at [?] Field Denver, Colorado 46 + part of 47: until he left for Alaska. He will be going to Sout America next when he gets his quatirs he will send for me Lanny will be coming this time too.

We have a Air Field

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there. I have heard its pretty warm there, that won't make any difference to me, I don't think I told you Allie is an air man. he has been in Washington the past few days . He will be coming in to night the plane must be late as he expected to land at 810 P.m. its now 866.

Lanny work's at the studio p.m.'s attends Fine Arts mornings. She earns enought to pay for herself. School lunches + car tickets.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Susalie
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I know you are [?] but I want you to know about us. [rannie?] is married and lives in New York. She worked at the French Hospital in New York. She graduated in Boston.

[?] you can see what changes have taken plance in our lives and why I can truthfully tell you and any one who cares to know what Dr. Van Waters did for us.

Dr. Van Waters must be up held.

Please tell Miss Kelley (if you think its wise) that I have always thought

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of her. She was an wonderful guide and gave me the much needed courage that I so often needed.

Miss O'Keefe please forgive me writing to you. There is no one else I would come to for I want to help. Please - God take care of the Institution may the truth be made known to all good men and women.

My life is a happy one, I pray for all to be well and happy to carry on the good work.


Estelle F. Fitzpatrick

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Susalie
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 89 in total