(seq. 2)
Oct 9, 1952
Dear Mrs Oniel
I was wondering how you are coming along on the tablecloth I send to you. You see I have moved to Medford where I have a apartment of my own I bought a used refrigerator and it is in very good condition also a T.V. set I have had it financied by the Malden trust Bank where I send the monthly payments I am still working except for a cold everything is going along smooth.
(seq. 3)
now for the good news.
My daughter Virginia is coming home to stay in June I am going up to see her Oct 19 this month. with Virginia home I hope to have my son home next its taking quite a while but with the help of God I hope to habe my family together as it used to be so if you would sell the talble-cloth for whatever you can I can pay of the loan that I owe to the bank then I can put some money away. so for now I will close saying thank you say hello for me to Dr. Van Waters
Sincerly Alberta H. Grinavic 50 Chester Ave Medford Mass
(seq. 4)
October 16, 1952
Mrs. Alberta H. Grinavic 50 Chester Avenue Medford, Massachusetts
Dear Alberta:
It is nice to hear from you. I suppose you think I have forgotten all about you and your table cloth, but such is not the case.
I had it on display here, and at the Friendly Visitors' Meetings, but so far it has not been sold.
One of the officers has offered to put it up on chances, until she collects $50.00, and then raffle it off. Would that amount of money be satisfactory to you? That seems the best solution, as people are not willing to pay what it is worth, but would be willing to pay 25¢ or 50¢ for a chance on it.
Will you write and let me know if you would be willing to have it go for fifty dollars? I will wait until I hear from you before doing anything further.
I hope your cold is better by now. I guess everyone has had a touch of the grippe lately.
I am so glad, Alberta, that you are getting your family together. Even though it may seem to take a long time, just be patient and everything will have to turn out right for you.
(seq. 5)
Oct 18- 1952
To Mrs Oneil
I know that you are doing your very best so you may as well raffle it off. You see Mrs Oneil every 5 weeks I receive a $25.00 bond taken out on the payroll plan I dont want to touch them to me they mean security something to fall back on if anything happens. I put in a 9 hr day and 1/2 day on saturdays. I get up at 5 Oclock in the morning and get home at 5.45 at night I put up my lunches + bring coffee in a thermos so I save some money that way I couldnt eat out for it cost too much