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Sept., 2, 1942 160 Elm St. Greenfield, Mass.
Dear Mrs. Van Waters,
Just a few lines to say hello. I hope this finds you in the best of health. I am here at Greenfield, and its a beautiful country up here. Right now it is kind of rough. Well here is a surprise, I'm chief cook and bottle washer for the officers. I guess if they can take my cooking I can. I really don't cook much as it's done in the big kitchen. I make toast, coffee and so forth. There really is a lot of fun here. You should see Miss O'Keefe and the rest drinking from tin cups,
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They have four glasses and they are used for water, milk and coffee. So you see its a toss up what to put in them first. But we get by.
I think you'd like it up here. The country is grand. We went for a walk [yesterday?] afternoon and we took pictures. Also while we were sitting side of the river bank minding our own business, along came a cow and walked right up to one of the girls and would of stepped on her only Miss O'Keefe looked over her shoulder and saw her. Did we move fast. The poor thing only
wanted a drink of water. I'm really rather tired to nite so won't write much more. But I'm sure that every thing here will be fine and everyone will do there best no matter what it is. Give my best regards to your class, new ones and of course I can't forget the old girlsl. Tell them all hello for me and I wish them all luck. Some day when I have time, I [will] write all about what we have done, are going to do and will do up here. So I guess I better close now and say I hope you'll pay us a visit real soon while
(seq. 4)
Greenfield, Mass. Sept. 25, 42
Dear Mrs. Van Waters,
Just a line to say hello and hope this finds you well. I hope you recieved my last note. I gave it to Mr Keefe to give to you. Things are fine here and we hope that they are the same at Framingham. I really miss you all for my best friends are all there. I don't have much time here to make many new one, for I think that our old friends are the best. How is Ann and all the girls. Give them my regards. Also your class and my friend Ruth Mabb. I wish I could write to each and everyone of you.
How is my peppie. I do miss you all and think of you often. I hope you'll write me soon for getting a letter from you seems like its from home. I have gained 25 pounds. I really am back to my old self again. I was pretty sick for a while at Worcester. Well I must close but hope you'll answer