(seq. 5)
2" to know. In the excitement
Tuesday I forgot to leave
the note at the switch-
board saying I was to
be back at five P.M.
So when I got down
town I foolishly got to
thinking of how nice it
would be to go to Boston.
Mr. La Vache's room
is four flights up, the
nearest 'phone a block
away, I kept going up
and down trying to ring
you until eleven O'clock.
I had to give up & go
to bed. I didn't go any
where only to eat.
3". Wednesday I rested in
bed all day. I know you
are very angry at me
(and justly so) I saw
Dr. Howe yesterday, and
my talk with him was
anything but encouraging.
He cut a big hunk out
of my side and sent it
right down to the lab. at
the Framingham Union.
I'm so very miserable
and discouraged. He isn't
at all satisfied with my
side, and gives me no
hope whatever. Well, all
I can say is, I'm sorry
from the bottom of my heart
I've suffered for it, and if
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