Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: L, 1947-1950. A-71, folder 310. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 11)
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(seq. 11)

49 Gorham Ave. Brookline, Mass May 4 - 47

My dearest family: Another week gone by, they sure slip by fast. I was so sorry to leave so quickly Thursday. Never had time to talk to dear Edna hardly at all, or what's more important you Didn't have a chance to say two words to that lovely Miss Mahoney. Just did see Miss MCNalley, she's really good people, sure was a help to me when things were looking so dark. I finally wrote to Shellie Scully.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cbadotcostello
(seq. 12)
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(seq. 12)

2. I miss you so much dear family, thank God every day I can do something to make you happy after all the head-aches I gave you. I promised Mrs Castle next time I came up I'd stay an hour with her. I miss those few little minutes visit from you every evening. But I'm with you in spirit. Miss O'Keffe looks grand what's she been doing? I hope I have a longer visit with her next Thursday. Didn't even have time for a nice fight with Edna. She laughed so hearty, when I told her, see what's happened to me, not only working hard

Last edit over 4 years ago by cbadotcostello
(seq. 13)
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(seq. 13)

3. but I like it. ask her to tell you what happened to Duke once I was so insistent he go to work. Refresh her memory of it by mentioning the elevator shaft. those letters from stated he got a year in law court, he appealed naturally. But I can't know how he came out. Won't you please find out for me, and where he is? Nothing exciting to write same old thingOh, No! something did happen- Friday morning, Mr. Langdon W, went into the bath-room to rinse his mouth just waking up, he grabbed the wrong bottle, instead of the mouth

Last edit over 4 years ago by cbadotcostello
(seq. 14)
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(seq. 14)

4. wash, he got the household amonia, he yelled so loud she dropped her breakfast tray all over the living room rug. Well it's really sad, the poor creature's mouth and tongue is badly burned. I got the white of an egg & mineral oil quick. The doctor said, the best thing possible. Of course he can't eat, and he's taken to his bed. She was describing it to one yesterday morning, said why Ruth, it's the most horrible thing, his tongue is so badly burned it looks like it has fur on it, of course, I quite naturally had to laugh. She eats tho in solitary splendor in the dining-room.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cbadotcostello
(seq. 15)
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(seq. 15)

5. I don't mean to be mean dear family, but I am glad there are less dishes. Maybe he intended drinking it? No, I don't think so, but you see the poor old creature shouldn't ever be alone. Your letter was so nice, I answered it, but tore it up I wasn't satisfied with it. Wish I could come up to-day. I'm going to bed right after one o'clock dinner & rest all afternoon.

Bye for now, God bless & keep you & your loved ones always.

Your family, Ruth La Vache

P.S. Think maybe I'll call you, it's such a comfort just to hear your voice, my dearest family.

Last edit over 4 years ago by cbadotcostello
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 94 in total