(seq. 16)
5 Thursday Morning
Dear Family:
Don't know just what to make of this -- Mrs. Williams is making me a pair of garters, I asked her for some thread to sew mine, she said "my dear child" I'll make you a pair.
Seems my telling her last night has kind of changed her. Why, she's actually acting & speaking human.
oh, wait a minute,
(seq. 17)
6" I spoke too soon, she only made one, not a pair. But even so, from her, that's a big thing. Dear Ffamily, please try & get that foolish Elenor interested in things, she has a good brain if she'd only use it.
she thinks you're aces, so make her go to Class. Please thank Miss Mahoney for the lovely spring coat she gave me it's beautiful, she's
7" really a swell girl, Doctor she is kind & really good, not a "phoney" like so many of them. Watch out for Mrs Flynn, she's with the enemy camp she's as phoney as a three dollar bill. Give Edna my love. I must write to Miss Mahoney also Miss McNalley she's been swell to me too. 'Bye now, I'm O.K. since I talke to you last night, just
(seq. 18)
8" hearing your voice my dearest Family has made me happy.
all my love, and prayers for your every success & happiness -
your family -
(seq. 19)
Ruth La Vache per Supt. 3-6 Tal. 9308 .20 -----.20
APRIL 28 1947
By H G W K Treasurer
(seq. 20)
49 Gorham Ave Brookline May 31 [1947?]
Dear Dr. Van Waters
I think you will find that among several letters which were in Ruths bureau drawer, there may be some suggestions which will be of help to you - These letters are in the [?] blue canvas travelling bag which has a zipper fastening.