Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: L, 1947-1950. A-71, folder 310. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 26)
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(seq. 26)

Monday night

my dearest family

Please forgive me for causing you to feel so badly, it seems i have a faculty of hurting those whom I love the most. It's impossible for me to put into words how sorry I am for each and every heartache I've caused you, and of now for putting on my "fighting

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 27)
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(seq. 27)

2 shoes", I've prayed and with your help we are going to lick this pain. Believe me my family, I have put all doubts and fears aside and please don't deprive me of your presence, I need you now more than I ever have. We have gone through too much to have you leave me now. I'm not a quitter, and I know you aren't either. I'm very grateful for

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 28)
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(seq. 28)


the typewriter I shall use it to prepare myself for a job. I'm going to rise out of my bed like Lazarus in the bible, unless, yall stones or what have you. So again I beg your forgiveness, and assure you my mental attitude is not going to impede my getting well. Good night, God bless and keep you always in the shadow of his infinate love and wisdom. your [unclear] family Ruth La Vache

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 29)
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(seq. 29)

July 24, 1947

Mr. Charles LaVache Charles Street Jail Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Mr LaVache:

Ruth is feeling much better and is looking forward to getting out in the sunshine the early part of August. As to her physical condition, rest, good food and a home are all she now needs. A constant source of happiness to her is her strong belief in the future.

Yesterday she had two teeth removed and will have the remainder of the work done soon.

I do hope this letter will ease your mind as by October she will be just fine.

Sincerely yours,

Miriam Van Waters Superintendent


Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 30)
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(seq. 30)

Boston Mass Boston, Mass 8-17-47

Dr. Miriam Van Waters Dear Doctor:That I would write you and ask how Ruth is really getting along. I've been under impression she has been up and around for several weeks. So that so? And how is she getting along? Possibly Ruth informed you I [unclear] requested for parole several months. Guess my request was denied and shall serve all my sentence. things sure look an unfortunate twist and the case certainly seems to be placed in front of the house. Did hope to be out and around before Ruth finished up. If probably would enable me to have a place for her or at least ready her coming out. I'mm ready to serve all my sentence and with a clear conscience, but it

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 94 in total